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オークショントップ > 家電、AV、カメラ > オーディオ機器 > 音響用ケーブル > RCAケーブル

JORMA PRIME RCAケーブル 3.5m 重厚できらびやか、図面上の理論限界性能を実現する世界頂点級RCAケーブル

現在價格: 48000 (稅0)
即決價格: 68000 (稅0)
剩餘時間: 6
落標數量: 0件
賣家名稱 HiendWorldさん
總合評價 200
正面比率 100%

開始價格: 48000 (税 0 )
最高下標者: 沒有
賣家名稱: HiendWorld
下標單位: 500
開始時間:2024-06-01 22:01 香港:(21:01)
結束時間:2024-06-08 22:01 香港:(21:01)


JORMA PRIME RCAケーブル 3.5m 重厚できらびやか、図面上の理論限界性能を実現する世界頂点級RCAケーブル










JORMA PRIME RCA cables 3.5m Profound and Dazzling Industry Leading RCA Cables that Redefine What is Theoretically Possible

- I have acquired a small quantity of these amazing RCA cables, and have decided to list them for sale. (Limited quantity available)
I have tested hundreds of RCA cables over the past few decades, and only offer the ones with the best sound quality (it has cost me a considerable amount of money and time to make these comparisons).

- The top-tier RCA cable from JORMA DESIGN.
A world-top-class RCA cable that uses 8N copper for the conductor, highest purity Teflon for insulation, and the WBT-0110Ag produced by WBT for the plug.
A cable that will last in your ears and memories. An iconic flagship product that colors the era and is handed down through history.

- The essence of sound quality, the conductor, has achieved the world's top roundness by spirally winding a filamentary 8N conductor around an ultra-fine ceramic fiber.
It uses WBT-0110Ag as the RCA plug. By dividing the plate on the cold side into three parts using their unique collet chuck method and deliberately making two points non-conductive with resin, it eliminates signal reflections and eddy currents.
For the sleeve, it uses a colorless, transparent, highest purity Teflon that has undergone cryogenic treatment, and creates the shield with unique braided structure of tin-plated copper, which removes more than 98% of high frequency and electromagnetic waves.

- By manufacturing with micron-level precision, the almost perfectly round cable cross-section achieves the theoretical maximum performance and acoustic characteristics
In addition to the precise and outstanding Hifi characteristics, the high-precision manufacturing eliminates the difference in sound quality between the left and right channels, allowing a high-quality sound to accurately portray the position information in the source
With a profound lower range and a dazzling upper range, the astonishingly dynamic sound stage is sure to impress

- These cables are expensive, but purchasing them will elevate your audio experience, and you will treasure them for a lifetime.
They are perfect for anyone who wants the best sounding cables, regardless of the price, and who wants cables that clearly sound different to their current setup.
With these cables it feels like you could even hear the sound of a drop falling on the surface of a lake.

※ Some people say that changing RCA cables doesn't make any difference, but no matter how good your equipment is,
if the cables are bad they will become a bottleneck and the sound quality will not improve at all.
RCA cables are the core of the system, so they are just as important as speaker cables and power cables.

※ These cables are not at their best fresh from the factory, so please make sure to break them in properly after the product arrives.
I recommend about 50 hours of power-on time (the sound will improve significantly).

The audio world is in the midst of a golden era, where a sound that would have cost $70,000 30 years ago can now be obtained for as little as $1,500 to $2,000.
I carefully select products which have a sound quality that far exceeds their price tags, such as studio-only limited models,
premium brand's failed products, samples from manufacturers, etc., and sell them at auctions.
However, the disparity between hits and misses is still significant, and if you mistake a pile of junk for a hidden gem it can cost you dearly.
Therefore, I hope that users will make good use of my experience and connections to enjoy a rich audio life.

  JPWARE CO. TEL.: 852-6909 6617 FAX.: 852-3007 5447 ADD.:2504 WAH FAT IND. BLDG., 10-14 KUNG YIP ST., KWAI CHUNG, N.T.
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